Bench jeweler


exquisite beads

Jewelry Appraisals

There are many kinds of appraisal reports we offer, however these are the ones most requested by our clients. See below for more.

  • Insurance appraisals - To acquire insurance coverage, see a sample report here
  • Estate appraisals - Working with your attorney for tax and probate needs
  • Distribution reports - To fairly distribute jewelry to heirs
  • Divorce appraisals - Help your legal team defining the Fair Market Value of the jewelry

Appraisal Related Consulting

We offer many gem and jewelry related consulting services.

  • Appraisal Review - To determine if a new updated appraisal is advisable
  • Litigation Support
  • Expert Testimony
  • Attorney-Client expert advisory-advocacy
  • Purchase Consulting - See us before or after you buy
  • Liquidation Consulting - Discuss your timing and the best way to sell

Qualitative Appraisal Products

  • Evaluation of your gem or jewelry collection
  • Gem Identification Reports
  • Diamond and Gemstone Grading Reports
  • By our firm in our gem lab
  • By an independent gem lab
  • Forensic or Damage Reports
  • Comparison of Quality Reports
  • Inventory Descriptions

Quantitative Appraisal Products

  • Bankruptcy- Working with your attorney
  • Collection Value Report
  • Fair Market Value Report - Estates, Casualty Loss, Donation
  • Litigation Support - Depositions, Expert Analysis, Pre-Testimony Reports

Liquidation and Brokerage

We advocate with you or your attorney with Estate jewelry, large diamonds, fine jewelry, gems and collections to obtain the highest values.

Invited Speaker, private and trade events

We can create a unique program for your club or trade event. Please get in touch for topics and rates.

Insurance Replacement Services

We represent Jewelers Mutual Insurance and are in compliance with other major jewelry insurance companies. Please have your adjuster get in touch with our office. For more information follow this link.

Custom Designed Jewelry

We have been creating beautiful significant jewelry for 50 years. For more information and help follow this link.

Restoration of Contemporary and Antique Jewelry

Learn more at this link.

Is there something you need that you don't see mentioned here? Simply drop us a note or call us so we can serve you.

Photo courtesy of FORTUNA® (