How It Works: A Brief Overview of Jewelry Appraisals and Liquidation

Model with ring

Both Jewelry appraisals and liquidations take into consideration the item's history, value, and trade. This ensures an equitable transaction for both seller and buyer.

An appraisal establishes various item's value, and may include rings, necklaces, and timepieces. Appraisals are essential for obtaining insurance coverage, reselling, or estate distribution.

The appraisal process starts with an initial consultation to understand the item's background. Then thorough research (especially for vintage items), a comprehensive physical inspection using advanced instruments, determination of the piece's value reflecting market trends, and finally an itemized report. clients receive their report via a secure portal for safe transmission.

Liquidation is a process of converting jewelry into cash and is valuable during financial distress, estate settlements, or going out of business.

The liquidation process starts after deciding to sell one's property. Next is preparing the item, including cleaning, or repairing, establishing the appropriate sales venue (like auction houses or online platforms). Finally, safely conducting the sale, ensuring secure payment methods, and concluding with comprehensive sales documentation.

Professionally approached, jewelry appraisals and liquidations require strict adherence to legal, ethical, and certification standards, emphasizing fairness and transparency in transactions.

We provide clients with resources like a sample appraisal report, a liquidation checklist, and a glossary of terms for greater clarity and understanding. Familiarizing oneself with these resources equips clients to be prepared and comfortable in making informed decisions with each jewelry transaction.

Photo courtesy of FORTUNA® (