Get to know the appraiser: Personal Interests and Background

Peter Indorf

While Peter Indorf has amassed exceptional credentials in the jewelry and gemstone field during his remarkable career, he has also cultivated other interests which greatly enhances the role as a professional appraisal and gemstone expert.

In his own words, he offers more insight into his life;

  • Artist: My engagement with art began in childhood and matured over time, resulting in a deep appreciation for visual storytelling.
  • Jewelry Design & History: Intrigued with jewelry design as both a craft and an intellectual pursuit, I've invested time studying historical pieces as far back as ancient civilizations, to better understand the evolution of design motifs and techniques.
  • Music: Composing and playing music provides me with another layer of personal expression. Over the years I've played the guitar, conga, but my current passion is the piano. As a mode of self-expression and relaxation, it offers a different outlet to connect with emotions and experiences.
  • Photography: Capturing a moment in time and scenes via the photographer's lens has been a longstanding hobby of mine, providing a personal window through which to view the world.
  • Travel: Countless journeys from urban centers to nature reserves in the USA and abroad have expanded my global perspective and opened insights into myriad cultures and traditions.
  • Parenthood: Being a father and now grandfather, I've gained invaluable life experiences. These roles constantly teaches me patience, resilience, and the depth of human connection.
  • Spirituality: Personal growth and understanding have also come from my spiritual explorations. They serve as a foundation, providing clarity and equilibrium in my life.

While these experiences are more personal, I can see the nuanced contribution they bring to my professional life as well.